
Fractured Sky Late Pledge

Created by IV Studios

Fractured Sky and Moonrakers Titan games and add-ons available!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fractured Sky in February 💕
5 months ago – Wed, Feb 07, 2024 at 06:38:38 PM

Whew! 😮‍💨 January was a busy month and now it's February. 2024 is passing by too quickly! 🏃

Well, we know how this usually goes by now. Let's begin.

Shipping updates 🐉

North/South America

All US based orders have been shipped and most should have arrived. If you have not received a shipping confirmation email and you are located in the US, then there may have been an issue with the shipping information or processing your BackerKit order. To inquire about it, please use the Support Button on our website and use the phrase "FS Missing Order #12345678" in the subject line. Of course, please try to use your own order number and not #12345678 🤓 We will respond to your request as soon as possible.


At the beginning of this process, we expected these packages to have been delivered at the end of January. The amount of time that has passed since your labels were created is not acceptable and we are discussing how to improve this process for our next delivery. 

At this point, our fastest method of delivery is to continue the current plan with the freight forwarder taking them across the border to the hub in Canada. Any replacements or missing orders will be shipped directly.

Canceled Labels:

Some supporters have noticed that their tracking labels have been canceled, which is understandably alarming, but rest assured, they are making their way to you. The good news is we confirmed that your packages will still be delivered even if the tracking label is showing a canceled status. Once the package is scanned in Canada, the label should reactivate and parcel will be delivered. 

The bad news is that it may update all at once on the day of the delivery and there might be a delay in processing the parcel, depending on the postal carrier. For packages with non-canceled tracking labels, we have been told to estimate 10 business days. We are still working with our logistics partners to figure out if and how long the canceled tracking labels may be delayed. 

We appreciate your patience as we work out the details and will bring you more updates soon! 


Though we tried to ship EU orders out earlier to have orders arrive roughly at the same time, our UK warehouse had some issues with VAT/customs, so they decided to ship the UK orders first to clear inventory space. 

They started shipping UK orders last week and will continue until the end of next week. They are aiming to start EU orders this week, but we have been warned that it may bleed into next week instead. We are excited to start seeing you get your games!


Australia has mostly finished shipping orders as well. If you have not received your order shipping confirmation, please use the Support Button on our website and use the phrase "FS Missing Order #12345678" in the subject line. Of course, please try to use your own order number and not #12345678 🤭 We will respond to your request as soon as possible!

For any support issues regarding part replacements, we will be collecting requests only until the end of February, so please make sure to check your game when you receive it to make sure everything is satisfactory. We will begin shipping all replacement parts from Australia in early March.


Here are the latest shipping updates from VFI. It looks like most hubs will begin receiving shipments after the Lunar New Year holiday! 🧧

Here for fun? 💃

Austin attended LevelUP last week and had a blast meeting people and of course, playing lots of Fractured Sky and Veiled Fate. Let us know if there are any other conventions you'd like for us to attend and maybe we will consider it in the future! 😉

Curious how challenging the bluffing AI game mode is? Watch the Jerry 🤖 vs Austin vs Zac video here. Spoiler: Jerry makes some BIG moves.

TableTopMisfits also recently made a video unboxing their Fractured Sky Super Deluxe with super dramatic flair.  

And finally, Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate! We wish you the greatest health, fortune, and good rolls in this new year! 🐲

I'll have the usual: Shipping Updates! ☕️
5 months ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 03:39:35 PM

Thank you for your patience as we are working with the warehouses to ship out your games. We totally understand the frustration of shipping delays so we are doing our best to ship the games as quickly and securely as possible!

If we could air drop them to you, we would :')

Onto the usual updates! 

Shipping Updates 📦

North/South America

Most orders in North/South America have been shipped out except for a few stragglers. Many of those orders are still in transit to you, so please continue to be patient for their delivery. We will be posting a 100% fulfillment notification soon in an update, but until then, please keep an eye on your BackerKit email and tracking links for shipping updates. When that update gets posted, we will have a specific way for you to contact us if your game is still missing.

Even though we anticipated a delay and shipped Canadian orders first, those orders were really slow getting across the border. We are waiting on the freight forwarder to get it into Canada and when it does, the tracking will update with the first scan. We were told to expect it to update this week. Fingers crossed!🤞


To your and our frustration, the UK warehouse has been unfortunately pushing back our deadline many times, but we have set a firm final date for them. They will begin shipping tomorrow, Feb 1st. 

We have been experiencing delays in the UK/EU due to multiple reasons, including WMS issues and their backend partners not prioritizing our requests. The warehouse is still figuring out VAT reporting to ensure delivery success in the EU, which means contacting many governmental offices to figure it out-- hence the longer delay. Unfortunately, we will not able to begin with the EU orders as expected, but we have been in meetings with them everyday for the past few weeks to get this project shipped and will continue to update you on its status. 


They have mostly finished shipping out orders in Australia/Oceania and we will soon post a 100% shipped notification in a future update once we get confirmation. When that update gets posted, we will have a specific way for you to contact us if your game is still missing. Please wait until that time to contact us!


Our Asia fulfillment partner, VFI, has a website for estimated shipping dates in each region. You can click the image below to check for more recent updates! 

Support Requests ✉️

We are continuing to resolve your requests in the order they are submitted and our response time may take longer than a few days depending on the number of requests. Please do not submit your requests through multiple channels (Kickstarter messages, comments, Facebook, email, etc) because this will greatly slow down our processing time. We are a very small team and are doing our best to respond in a timely manner, so thank you for your patience!

To submit any requests you may have about your Fractured Sky order, we encourage you to use the Support Form we have on our website! Here's a quick guide for where to find the Campaign Pledge Support Form on your computer or phone:

BGG Ratings ⭐️

If you've had a chance to play Fractured Sky, we would love to know your thoughts and what you would rate it on our BoardGameGeek page! Leave us a comment so we know what you liked and how we can improve! 

LevelUp in NJ 🎲

Austin is going to be at LevelUp this week with our newest games! Well, as many as he can fit. Luggage space is always the limiting factor, right? See if you can beat him at any of his own games. You'll get unlimited bragging rights 😉


The Shipping Chronicles Continue and Customer Support 🤓
5 months ago – Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 02:19:05 PM

Hi! We're so excited to start seeing Fractured Sky arrive at your doorsteps. But if you haven't received word yet, don't worry. They are still on the way! 

Shipping Updates! 

We expected all of our regional hubs to start shipping by Jan 15th because that was the target date we requested, but some warehouses ran into a few delays, particularly in the UK and Asia. More on that below. 

All of us seeing shipping delays.

North & South America Shipping

Our USA hub has fulfilled around 85% of their total orders so far and we've really enjoyed seeing some of y'all post about Fractured Sky! The winter weather caused some unexpected delays, but the rest of the USA orders should be fully ship by next week. So hold on tight and be on the look out for your shipping notification! Some Canadian orders are still in transit and the tracking will update once they cross the border. 

We also realized that there are some orders missing the Metal Starfall Tokens or Fractured Sky Sleeve Pack due to human packing error. If you believe you are missing any items, please make sure to check the shipping box once more as they tend to get lost in the packaging and crevices. If they are still missing after double checking, please send us a message through the support form on our web store, indicating you have already checked the box! 

Instructions on how to access the support form are detailed below.

Oceania/Australia Shipping

Our Australia hub started shipping earlier this week and you should have already received a shipping notification or will receive it very soon! 

UK/EU Shipping

Thank you for your patience in the EU and UK as orders have been slow to start. We planned for your games to ship starting January 15th and gave the warehouse plenty of time to prepare for that date. However, when the warehouse was supposed to begin, their software was not showing all of our inventory, causing the delay. They have been unable to fix the glitch which has been very frustrating for our team as we are sure it is for you. They are finally resolving the issue and should begin shipping next Monday. They will begin with the EU as planned as it will take slightly longer for those games to make their journey, followed by the UK orders — just like we did with Canada and the United States from our USA warehouse.

Asia Shipping

The biggest delay in shipping will be from our Asia hub, VFI. We had planned for them to start shipping orders mid January, but we were told just last week that they have already fulfilled their last campaign before the Chinese New Year holiday. Though all of our orders are packed and ready, they will unfortunately not be shipping them out until after Chinese New Year. We will follow up with them to find out more specifically when we can expect the packages to start shipping.

Customer Support Form 📝

For any requests you may have about your Fractured Sky order, we encourage you to use the Support Form we have on our website! Here's a quick guide for where to find the Campaign Pledge Support Form on your computer or phone:

Player Trays Color Matching! 🌈

Color matching can be confusing, especially if the colors are meant be to complimentary for that extra pop. Here's an easy guide we made to help you match the color inserts to the player tray! 

Featured Fan Un-boxing Videos 📺

We always appreciate when y'all post anything about us, so we're highlighting some of the amazing fan un-boxing videos we've seen so far. Check out their videos and get even more hype for your Fractured Sky game! 

Have a great rest of your week! We're working hard to get your games to you as soon as possible! 🙌

Games are Starting to Ship! 📦
5 months ago – Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 12:54:52 PM

We hope y'all are staying warm and safe! We just got a ton of snow that is taking very long to melt, but I guess that means more game time for us stuck at home. 

Anyways onto the important news! ❄️

Shipping has begun! (for the most part) ✌️

Our US warehouse began shipping last week and has sent around 20% of all the North American orders. They are working hard and will continue shipping through the end of this month! For some Canadian orders (shipped with Flash Box), the tracking may not work until your package crosses the border and receives its first scan in Canada. Please be patient with the tracking! 

The UK warehouse ran into some technical issues with their WMS where we can't see the inventory to give our final approval and start shipping. We are currently working with them to find a solution. They will be a bit delayed, but we are hoping they will be able to start shipping by the end of this week! The EU tracking will have similar delays in tracking updates until the packages arrive through customs. 

The Asia hub (VFI) has started confirming addresses, so please make sure to check your Kickstarter/BackerKit emails to confirm before they start shipping. 

The Oceania/Australia hub (Aetherworks) is also gearing up to start this week. We are just waiting for their notification of a green light. 

Unboxing/Reboxing Video 🎁

We know some lucky folks have already received their games. Yippee! 🥳 We hope everything is as wonderful as you expected. Now we know the box can be a little confusing with so many components, so we've created an unboxing/reboxing video to help guide you! 

Pictured: Me re-boxing a game for the first time.

Watch our latest video for the tips and tricks 😉

Objective Cards Gameplay

Also, we know the objective cards can be be tricky to understand from just the rulebook, so here's a quick video explaining how the objectives work. This is very important to the game play so we highly recommend watching this!

9 Months Later and We are Shipping Fractured Sky 👼
6 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 02:39:09 PM

We hope you had a great holiday season! 🙌 We're back from our much needed break and are so pumped to start shipping your games! There's quite a bit of information about the shipments, so please make sure you don't miss any details.

The Best News. All hubs will begin shipping by Monday January 15th! 📦

Since the United States hub has the most orders and will take the most time, they are starting this week focusing on the Canada orders first as they will take longer for delivery. The United Kingdom hub plans to start by the end of this week, and they will focus on EU orders first for the same reason. This helps to make sure everyone receives their games around similar times! 🤗

Please note Canada and EU customers - you will receive an update for tracking as soon as your package leaves our warehouse but you likely will not see any movement on that tracking for 1-2 weeks as your package is making its way to your country and through customs. Please do not contact us about tracking updates not occurring unless it’s been over 15 days of no movement from the time you received your initial tracking email. 

We expect it will take 4-5 weeks for all of our hubs to finish fulfilling all deliveries. If you have not received a tracking notification by February 15th, please send us an email (and maybe a valentine 💝). Please do NOT reach out before then to ask when your package will be fulfilled. Our warehouses are prioritizing safe and successful deliveries to ensure everyone receives their games.

Local pickup orders will receive an email with directions soon. Be on the lookout in your emails! 👀 


Order Support: Missing or Damaged Products 🤕

Most people will receive an email when your package is being delivered. Please note that if any issue occurs, such as missing or damaged products, you must submit a request to us within 72 hours of the time your tracking order shows the package has been delivered. It is important to report these as soon as possible because we only have 5 days to notify the carriers for reshipments. 

All merch (hats & hoodies) will be shipped separately at a later date-- please do not email about missing merch. All damaged products will be reviewed on a case by case basis and some minimal damage is inevitable during transit. However, if the damage sustained is greater than the size of a quarter (25mm) or substantial, please let us know. Depending on the volume of requests, our response times may be delayed, but we will answer all requests! 

You can submit your requests, questions, and pictures through the "Campaign Pledge Support" form on our website, located at the bottom right of the page. Just look for this Support button:

What? Unboxing/Reboxing Video. When? ✨Soon✨

 Where? Our Youtube Channel. Subscribe to know when we post a new video! ⭐️  

Thank you to everyone who made this possible!

We as a company are extremely proud and work as hard as possible for you, our incredible backers, to receive your products in under a year of backing Fractured Sky. We are grateful to our game designers, creative designers, components designers, manufacturing partners, freight partners, warehouse partners and our entire internal team for stepping up and working incredibly hard to meet this goal and hope you will love this game as much as we do.